Wednesday, July 8, 2015

About Bill Cosby's Disney World Statue

(says while imitating Bill Cosby) Y'know that Bill Cosby statue that they used to have near that "One Man's Dream" attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World? They just announced that they gonna remove it because his career went all "zippity-doo-dah" as that guy from "Song of the South" would say, and as what Mr. Cosby himself would sorta say (He actually says "Zibbity-Bop-Zibbity-Doo-Bop"). I bet that  the makers of both Jell-O and Jell-O Pudding would probably have to fire him from future commercials next, with the execs and the "you're fired" and the pink slips....Awwww....y'know what I mean!

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